Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Grad, RV's & Dentists

Tyler & I went to Grimshaw for the weekend for a few different things. One of the things was my cousin Alisha’s grad, so my Grandma who lives in Medicine Hat, carpooled with us from Red Deer. Tyler worked on Friday so my Grandma & I met him in Edmonton and from that point on he drove. We weren’t very far out of Edmonton when Tyler got pulled over for speeding! The cop clocked him going 148 km in a 110 zone so his ticket was a whopping $247. I was more concerned that the cop was going to suspend his license as I have heard they can do that if you are doing over 150km. It seems like a waste of money (especially in light of me wanting that 3D ultrasound for only $175) but both Tyler & I tend to speed so I believe in accepting the potential consequences of your actions. Normally I try not to do over 130 in a 110 zone but it really depends how risky I feel that day and if it’s a nice day and the road is straight I tend to go faster. I don’t have cruise control on my car so its very easy to speed in it. Anyhoo, that was the start of our weekend LOL Since we left so late we didn’t get to Grimshaw until about midnight.

My cousin’s grad was @ 2pm in Peace River. Each grad was given 6 seats for family and then ‘overflow’ got to sit in the bleachers. My Mom & Grandma were given prime seating and my Dad & I sat in the bleachers. Their theme was Alice in Wonderland’s tea party which was kind of crazy but kind of cool. I hope someone got some good photos of the decorations because they were amazing but I forgot my camera at my parent’s house (on the table right by my purse so I wouldn’t forget it, blame it on pregnancy brain). That was about all that was amazing about the grad…there were 59 graduates and the entire ceremony took almost 4 hours! They had an intermission shortly after 4pm at which point my Dad & I snuck out because our backs had about had it at that point. We had already seen the diploma & awards part which only took about 45 minutes. The rest had been speeches by long winded people who didn’t matter: rep from the school board, rep from the catholic board, old principal, current principal. Wow…I don’t overly remember my grad ceremony but I know it wasn’t that long. We had three speeches by students (so more entertaining & relevant – P.S. one of them was me) and I’m sure a speech or two from teacher people but it wasn’t that long. Though one cool thing I did like during their diploma part was that they had a PowerPoint of each student with a baby photo, grad photo and a photo in between (if they submitted them). They also had a few lines from each grad read by the MC about their most memorable moment or future plans, etc. It added some entertainment to this portion, even for me who only knew of two of grads.

Another travesty I observed involved everyone’s beautiful gowns and suits. The grads wore caps & gowns for the first “half” of the ceremony until the intermission. I noticed at this point that everyone had ditched their caps n’ gowns and there was a grand march in the program for after the admission but I of course missed it. Later that evening my family had a BBQ for Alisha and I noticed that she had changed out of her (presumably expensive) gown into a party dress. The grads had an ‘after grad’ party that night but I guess it wasn’t fancy enough to wear their gowns to. So from the information I gathered, the only time they wore their dresses was at the ceremony and only maybe an hour and a half was where you could see the gowns. Its bad enough at a normal grad to only get to wear you dress for part of the day & then that night, but to not even have that night seems SO wasteful. At the very least my cousin got some professional photos taken prior to her big day wearing the dress that she handed out to all of us. P.S. Her dress was beautiful.

Our secondary reason for going to Grimshaw was to pick up the Fifth Wheel my parents are giving/loaning us. Tyler’s Mom & boyfriend Robert also came down on Saturday as we didn’t have a hitch for Tyler’s truck yet and we were also concerned that his truck might not make it up the Peace River hills pulling it! Since my parents don’t have that big of a house and we had an abundance of company this weekend, Tyler & I got to test drive our new Fifth Wheel by spending the night in it. The bedroom is in the ‘fifth wheel’ part and was better than my memory of it: the step to it wasn’t as high as I thought, the opening was larger than I remember and the height of the space was more than I remember. All of which were great things! I didn’t feel claustrophobic at all and it wasn’t a struggle to get my big butt up there. Being in it also got both of us excited about our future camping expeditions this summer.

One of the drawbacks of having an RV though, is that people seem to think that its their space to sleep in also. I want to initiate a strict rule that nobody else gets to sleep in it, as one of the main reasons I wanted it was to have privacy & space when we camp. If we just have a rule that no body gets to sleep in it then I don’t have to explain myself when there are people I don’t like. It’d be one thing if I invited someone to go camping but…I just don’t want to at this point. Technically the RV sleeps six, but that is assuming 2 to the bedroom space, 2 on the couch & 2 on the kitchen table. Already Mary has suggested that Kira & Tehya can sleep in it when we go camping. Uh, no. I didn’t birth them so why should I have to get up at 6am (or several times in the night) while their parents get a pseudo vacation? I want to be able to go camping with people as I choose or go just the two of us to have some “us” time before baby.

Speaking of baby, I can hardly believe that on this upcoming Saturday I will be 24 weeks! That is six months if you’re counting. It’s totally surreal still. The baby is moving a lot more so that is cool. I’m excited for the first time Tyler actual feels the movement (which hasn’t happened yet with him being gone so much). I have to admit that I am finally starting to get a baby belly, though I am super self-conscious of it as I feel that it sort’ve just looks like extra fat. I’ve been meaning to take pictures of myself and haven’t gotten around to it which is terrible. I’m hoping today’s the day that I finally take some…

One last story for you guys. On Monday, I was super stressed because I had a cavity that I had to take care of, I had already postponed the appointment twice due to temping jobs and I knew it was just getting worse so I had to suck it up and go. Not only do I totally hate freezing but I wasn’t sure if it was the smartest move to do while pregnant. My braces dentist said to for sure avoid the first trimester which we did, but I still wasn’t too sure about it. My braces dentist has sold her practice and is weaning herself from office so the dentist doing the work was new to me. He reviewed my chart (which says I’m pregnant) and asked me if it was causing me any pain (which it wasn’t). He then suggested we do one of two things to avoid any possible risk, 1) try to drill and fill the cavity without freezing as it was a smaller, surface cavity on the tooth behind my vampire tooth or 2) wait until after I delivered baby. I had done one cavity without freezing before, on a front tooth as I had heard from my mother that it was worse to get the needles in the roof of your mouth than the actual drilling pain, so I opted to try option one.

He said to just let him know if I was in any discomfort. There was a few moments where it really hurt but I would say it was about 85-90% pain free. He didn’t drill as deep as he would have with freezing but he was pretty sure he got all the decay and there’s just a chance it could possibly fall out. I was super pumped about the whole experience because when I get frozen, I stay frozen for like 4, 5 or more hours. It pretty much ruins my whole day. Plus I completely hate needles. I did have a braces check and my braces were adjusted which causes pain for a day or two or so, so I didn’t come out of it completely unscathed. However, that means I am one step closer to the ol’ braces coming off so it’s all good. I am really close to closing the gap between my top & bottom teeth, which I believe is my last step so they could be off soon. That will be super exciting I’m sure.

I’m totally used to my braces right now, they only bother me when they get adjusted, but it’ll be fun to be done with them as everyone is always asking me when I’m getting them off. I have another appointment on June 4th to see where I’m at then. My personal goal is to have them off by July, as that will be the two year anniversary of when I got them put on. I was only suppose to have them for a year, but I have no one to blame but myself for not wearing my elastics to move my teeth. Before I forgot to wear them all the time, my teeth were moving right on schedule.
Stay tuned for pictures to be posted...

1 comment:

  1. Danielle12:32 PM

    If you get pulled over doing more than 50 km/h over the speed limit, the officer can give you a pink ticket requiring you to appear in court. It's not optional like it is with the normal yellow traffic code violation ticket. Then it's up to the judge to decide your fate, but it's likely you would get a 30 suspension.

    I'm just full of useful information. LOL.
