Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Longwinded Complaining

I especially made sure I wrote this blog as I felt that I was challenged to by my husband, Tyler. When he heard Kim, Tyrone and company were coming this weekend he said "oh there's a blog for sure." So here it is honey, just for you, dripping with negativity! I can't help it...

I've officially decided that Kim is either manipulative or two-faced. I'm not sure which is a better description of her behavior. I'm also not necessarily saying it's a conscious behavior but it’s definitely happening. She and Tyrone displayed several other annoying behaviors as I will rant about below. I also am posting a pic of the four of them (and Mary) from Tehya's first day so that you can see what the faces of idocracy look like (in case you haven't seen them before).

Saturday was Kris (the stepmom’s) 60th birthday so a bunch of us were invited out to Kris & Willie’s for the day, supper & evening. I wasn’t feeling well so I thought it best to keep my germs to myself as long as possible and got there at about 5pm. Tyler went out at noon. I also find that I have less patience and am more irritable being pregnant so I have less tolerance for Kim and Tyrone (KT for laziness or K for Kim for laziness) than normal.

First annoying behavior of KT, is how they seem to think if other people are around that must mean we want to babysit their kids so that they can have fun and do whatever they want. Luckily being sick I had an excuse for why I couldn’t hold Tehya all day long (or at all). However that didn’t stop Kira from running loose on the acreage with no supervision for most of the time I was there. She was stomping on well covers (dangerous), playing in black dirt (messy), going in & out of the house constantly and running around outside without a jacket on. Nothing major but certainly a string of minor offences that should have been nipped in the bud.

Second annoying behavior of K was how she likes to drink alcohol and breastfeed. According to the Canadian Family Physician website, the correct behavior is “Nursing mothers who choose to drink alcohol during the postpartum period should carefully plan a breastfeeding schedule by storing milk before drinking and waiting for complete elimination of alcohol from their breast milk after drinking. Motherisk has created an algorithm to estimate how long it takes to eliminate alcohol from breast milk.” Whereas Kim’s plan was to drink (beer & wine) however much she wanted and continue breastfeeding the whole day (as well as on Sunday). Not only do I think this behavior is disgusting, couple it with the fact that KT are SO concerned about fluoride in water and MSG etc, and it just seems grossly hypocritical.

Third annoying behavior of K was how she kept sprinkling in to conversations how she is going to have another kid. The last time we talked about her getting pregnant again, at her baby shower, she said that she had to first have surgery to remove her fibroids and then she could focus on getting pregnant. Her deadline was to be pregnant before 39 or give up. Fibroids, were one of her many medical complaints during her pregnancy. I didn’t know anything about them and couldn’t be bothered to find out before or really even now to be honest with you. Anyway, her baby shower was only a month ago and now suddenly I don’t hear anything about waiting, just how if it were up to her she’d be making a baby right now (gross imagery by the way).

Fourth annoying behavior is how K feels the need to freak me out with pregnancy and labor and post-labor stories. I squashed it early on this Saturday by saying, “oh well I have Placenta Previa and if it doesn’t correct itself then I’ll be having a pre-schedule c-section.” That shut her up for a while.

Alright so onto the manipulative or two-faced business. First of all, Kim very much likes to be negative. I couldn’t recall the last time we had a positive conversation that wasn’t complaining about someone (Tyrone, Kris & Willie, a mutual friend)…fuelled by her its hard not to get sucked into the complaining. So anyway, it was about 11:30pm or so and Kira was still wide awake watching movies (oh but K assures us that Kira sleeps on a strict schedule at home, NOT. I find it hard to believe that a kid who is on a very consistent sleep schedule of being in bed around 8pm, would be able to stay up to midnight or later each & every night they visit other people). The sleep thing is annoying behavior number 5 I think. Tehya was also off & on awake. Kris, let us know that she was tired and was going to bed. The guys were all out in the garage playing ‘poker pool’ or something that I don’t have any interest in playing. I mentioned that it was about twenty to eleven and Kim was all like “Omigod it is really? Oh, I really wanted to be home hours ago so the kids could be in bed.” So after visiting some more and her making no move to leave, I said that I was going to let Tyler know I was ready to go. I was sick after all and it was now 12:23, so I let Tyler know that it was time to go home. His response was “we’re almost done”. Okay, but I’m 5 months pregnant, tired, sick and it’s a 30 minute drive home…hello! I turn to Tyrone and tell him (as per Kim’s instructions), Tehya is in her car seat and Kim is ready to go. His response? “Yeah well we’ll leave when I’m finished this game.” Wow, does this seem inappropriate to anyone but me? Your 2 month old is sitting in her car seat ready to go and your 2 ½ year old is still wide awake but should be in bed, baby mama is ready and they can all wait until you’re done your pool game (which they had been playing since ten by the way).

So I was a little pissed off as I don’t like being talked down to (by Tyler) which he certainly seems to do more when he’s with his dad & brother, and not impressed with how Tyrone acts so I left the garage. I decided to load up the car (we had our dogs there) and give him a few minutes to wrap up his precious game. Meanwhile, Kim goes over to the garage and gets her car key from Tyrone. She complains to me as we’re loading up the cars about how she is going to have to get up with Teyha ever 2 hours and how Tyrone doesn’t help much etc (though thinking back she just a few hours before was talking about how Tyrone pretty much takes care of Kira now so she can deal with Teyha). It takes a bit to get this all organized, and Kim even goes back to the garage while I stay with the packed up kids in the car now, and no guys yet. We decide to drive over to the garage & park in front of it (as they are on an acreage)…I would have liked to have left Tyler there to prove a point but I didn’t. I go inside, as it is now about 12:50 (half an hour later for those of you who are counting) and the game looks exactly the same as it did when I had come in the first time. So now I’m really bitchy and want to leave now and am even more bitchy as I hate looking like the bitch in front of his family and I’m like “is the world going to end if you don’t end this game?” Tyrone says “Well maybe you guys wouldn’t be in such a hurry if you were out here playing with us.” That’s logical? With his 2 ½ year old and 2 month old? Whatever. So I snarkily reply “Tyrone do you get up with Kira in the morning?” (as she is notorious for waking up at 5am or 6am no matter how late she goes to bed) and he says “Oh Fuck Off Crystal” followed by something like “you have no idea what I do”. Which, I don’t know about you, but I loved getting sworn at. Kim, just stands in the doorway of the garage and doesn’t say a word. Then when she decides to walk over, Tyrone says to her “you could have put Kira to bed here” and Kim says, super sweetly (and not at all mad at him it seems), “oh honey she’s a bear right now. She really needs to get back and to bed.” And that’s about it. So now I’m feeling played. Like she just got me all riled up, to come in here and be bitchy, and then she walks in all understanding and perfect wife like. And I can’t help but wonder if she just did that on purpose?

The next day, at Jim & Maureen’s there were a few more displays of annoying behavior. About 30 minutes before dinner was to be ready, Kira (2 ½) walks up to Maureen’s pantry and swings the door open, points and INSISTS on eating “that”. Well not only is this the first time Kira’s been to Maureen’s (first of her memory anyway), but it’s almost dinner time. I don’t think that kids should behave in this way, I think they should have manners enough to have asked their own parents if they could have something to eat before helping themselves and demanding it of the hostess. Needless to say, Kira was given what she wanted (as almost always) and then proceeded to eat maybe two bites of hot dog for supper with a ½ cup of ketchup. She didn’t touch the rest of her plate, but she was rewarded with a chocolate after her uneaten dinner! And then she proceed to grab at the desserts out on a plate and put her grimy hands all over them. Again, manners?

Annoying Behavior Number Six: At one point during the day, Kim made some display about taking Tehya downstairs to visit with Kira and Tyrone (who was getting her PJs on) and all she got was “beat on”. Tehya by Kira. I’m not that comfortable with physical abuse as it is, but a 2 ½ year old on a 2 month old? Come on women. Anyway, I just shook my head internally as it seems a play for attention (again manipulating people).

Annoying Behavior Number Seven: This was followed, a little while later, with Kim making a big display about how she needs to pump (as she is not breastfeeding technically. She is pumping breast milk into bottles and then bottle feeding) and she can’t as she’s the only one who can look after Tehya and oh can’t anyone hold Tehya for a bit? Well I was still sick and said so, Tyler just plain wasn’t interested, but Maureen foolishly volunteered even though she hadn’t even finished her supper yet.

Kim obviously likes to play the victim but I’m sorry, she is 37 years old and deserves all that she gets. If she is dumb enough to procreate with a loser like Tyrone and continue wanting to procreate with him then quite honestly I think that should be a crime punishable by law not rewarded with sympathy and pity and generosity.

Annoying Behavior Number Eight: We were discussing baby names (and how I have no clue) and Kim says “whatever you do, please don’t use Tyrus as that is Tyrone’s name he is set on for our boy”. First off, yuck I would never use that name as it sounds like a dinosaur. Secondly (and I didn’t think this until after), but I should have responded with “oh but am I allowed to use Evan as that is my actual husband’s middle name?” as that was the middle name they have picked out to use with Tyrus. Thirdly, not only should she not be having another kid, she should not be having another kid with Tyrone and if they do have another one, I wish another girl upon them to see how they handle that. Kim made a comment during the day, which I can’t remember verbatim, but along the lines of “if Crystal has a boy then that takes the pressure off of me to have another baby.”
As for if Kim is manipulative or two-faced, this weekend was only one example of the many I can see in hindsight. Many times I have questioned if she tells the truth very often or if she makes things up for drama. And she likes to complain about stuff wtih Tyrone but then she'll defend to the death what a great "man & dad he is". I don't have the energy to care anymore and I'm seriously considering putting in more boundries in our life and seeing them less. Everytime I see them or interact with them I come away feeling very negative and judgemental and this is not the kind of life I want. I am striving to be more positive and I really don't see how interacting with them improves my life?

1 comment:

  1. it does not improve your life. If anything it will age you terribly!!
    I love it!!

