Thursday, February 15, 2007

Alternative Health Care: Supplements

My Supplements as per the Internet:

Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose is a rich source of omega-6 oils. The body can use these oils to build prostaglandins needed for a wide range of body functions. Fatty acids are required for many body functions including regulating temperature, building nerve sheaths, and producing energy. CRYSTAL: I believe this was for regulating my hormones.

D, Vitamin
Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin, is required for the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus by the intestinal tract. It is necessary for growth and is especially important for the normal growth and development of bones and teeth in children. It protects against muscle weakness and is involved in regulation of the heartbeat. CRYSTAL: Aid in digestion and decrease depression.

A, Vitamin
Vitamin A prevents night blindness and other eye problems, as well as some skin disorders such as acne. It enhances immunity, may heal gastrointestinal ulcers, protects against pollution and cancer formation, and is needed for the maintenance and repair of epithelial tissues. CRYSTAL: Um, it came with my vitamin d?

The adrenal cortex helps to maintain salt and water balance in the body. It is also involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and the regulation of blood sugar. Symptoms range from simple exhaustion to much more complex problems. New Roots Herbal Adrenal concentrate gives the adrenal gland support to meet the challenges of today's high stress environment. It boosts your endocrine system resulting in a higher tolerance towards stress. CRYSTAL: Help with metabolism and fatigue.

It can be used as a nutrient-dense whole food or a food supplement taken to ensure you are obtaining all of your dietary needs. Fatigue and mental depression, which are so common today, are signals from the body that something is wrong. Chlorella serves as an overall health and immune booster to encourage and maintain good health. It is excellent for vegetarians due to its B-12 content and wide range of amino acids, including all 8 essentials. Many people report that taking Chlorella before meals acts like an appetite suppressant. Because it contains such a wide variety of nutrients and fiber, Chlorella can easily satisfy our nutritional needs and therefore, our appetite is diminished. Also Chlorella is known to be an adaptogen or a biological response modifier (BRM) meaning it helps the body lower hormones associated with stress. These stress hormones have numerous negative effects on the body that can cause us to eat more, but our ability to digest that food slows down, leading to weight gain. If we lower those stress hormones (as with Chlorella) our food cravings diminish and our digestive system can work more effectively! Chlorella is mostly recognized for it's rich composition of phytochemicals that support the body's natural self-defense mechanism, detoxify and nourish the body and assist in achieving longevity and well-being. It makes sense that if your body is weary, run down, undernourished and etc. that where ever there is a weak area in the body, that area will probably suffer and with the proper nutritional support those problems can be reversed. CRYSTAL: So yeah, that all sounds good. I'll take all of it.
Dophilus Plus (Acidophilus)
Antibiotics kill off good and bad bacteria indiscriminately, allowing the more aggressive pathogens—which are usually kept in check by an 85:15 ratio with healthy bacteria—to grow out of control. This imbalance can cause excessive gas, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, and poor nutrient absorption. Moreover, it can leave undigested food in the intestine, where it can putrefy (rot) and release toxins that invade the body and compromise health. CRYSTAL: That would be for the building up of good bacteria.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:17 PM

    A good friend of mine was experiencing terrible mood swings and horrible depression at "that time of the month". Her doctor prescribed Evening Primrose Oil and it has worked wonders for her! Just thought I'd share that testimonial.
    Diana :)
