Thursday, February 01, 2007

Baby News

Calm down. I'm not pregnant. But anyone who knows me knows that I am anal when it comes to planning and preparing. So, I am starting my baby/child research (some of you may have even heard me say that I was going to have kids solely as a great big psych experiment but don't worry I've passed that stage of thinking). You know how childless people always say "my kids won't be like that/do that?" Well I am one of those. But parents quickly forget all the things they said that about. Therefore I decided to write myself an advice book for parenting. That way when the time is right to procreate I have this handy "bible" so to speak on what to do. Yay! So exciting. I've started watching the "Mom Show" and I'm taking notes. Any advice out there? I'd love to hear it before it's too late.

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