Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Poem (A Friend)

I was going through some papers tonight when I came across a poem I wrote on April 28/99 (yes I was in Grade Eleven). The poem's kind of funny: I was pissy at my friend Laurie cuz I felt like she has changed since she started dating her boyfriend Carl (incidently they are now married). She was my best friend from like grade four until the point of this poem. We don't really talk much now...but she is doing well in Edmonton I have heard from mutual friends. The teenage angst in this poem is hilarious to me.
A Friend
I once had a friend,
who would fight to the end,
of overy argument and quarrel.
I once had a pal,
who was an independent gal,
but that was before a guy named Carl.
I once had a buddy,
who didn't mind getting muddy,
outside when we played in the yard.
I once had a chum,
who rarely appeared glum,
over having no valentine's card.
I once knew Laurie,
who never made me sorry,
for being the person who I am.
I once knew the girl,
who made life a whirl,
before she became a THEM!

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