Thursday, February 15, 2007

NYR: An Evaluation for February

Here is January’s Mini-Goals:
1. Attend water aerobics starting Jan 15
2. Plan at least one social event.
3. Make at least one “Rachael Ray” recipe per week.
4. Hit the sack at 11:30pm on week nights.
5. Keep in-law rants on blog or to friends: not to Tyler.

1. Um, I missed 3 classes. That sucks. BUT I was totally sick/ill/exhausted so I am not going to feel guilty.
2. I totally planned and executed a social event: card night. It was fun, there was about 6 people other than myself & Tyler. We played Taboo & Cranium. I lost at both. :-(
3. I've beeen doing not too bad at this one. I would say I've averaged a RR recipe each week.
4. Missed this mark on this one. It's super hard. My night owl tendenacies are deeply rooted. Despite the fact that I have woken up super exhausted like every day this week I keep staying up until like 1am...
5. I think I've minimized my in-law rants pretty good to Tyler.

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