Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Social Faux Pas

So I almost committed a pretty big social faux pas at lunch time...I was on my way home at lunch and listening to my ipod. The song "Golddiggar" by Kanye West came on and I started singing along. Well I have the uncensored version so the song goes "I ain't saying she's a golddigga, but she ain't messing with no broke n***". The n-word isn't something I would say in my normal course of conversation, nor is it something I would EVER say in a derogatory way, but when it's in a song I'm singing I usually sing it. As luck would have it I turned my head to the right and there was a black gentlman in his car, with his window down, staring at me (could have been coinincidence) and I was just about to sing that part of the song. I stopped dead in my tracks. I'm sure if I had sung it, he would have been able to read my lips and would have thought I was saying it to him. That could have been so bad! And I would have felt so bad. You never know, he could be a future boss interviewing me or something and hold that against me. Whew!

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