Thursday, February 15, 2007

Alternative Health Care: The Visit

So yesterday I decided to try going to this alternative health place, there they read your body to see what is wrong with it and/or what it needs. I’ve been feeling fatigued lately and having ruled out some things (pregnancy, thyroid, etc) I thought I’d give this a shot. It was really interesting!

So I saw Darlene at about 1:30pm. She asked me to hold on to this electrode and then she read my body using this machine and vials of liquid that were numbered. Everything she tested she wrote down on a piece of paper that I get to keep.

According to these tests my lowest vitality areas right now are:
1. Blood
2. Hormones
3. Parathyroid
4. Digestion

And the highest stressors in my blood (the number one vitality area):
1. Metal Poisons
2. Fungus
3. Flukes
4. Virus
5. Radiation
6. Parasites

So my body asked for the following supplements/oils/vitamins (info I found on the internet post below):
1. Dolphilus Plus
2. Acidophiles
3. Adrenal
4. ChlorEssence
5. Vitamin A & D
6. Evening Primrose Oil
7. Sea Salt (cuz my sodium is low)

Towards the beginning of our session she said my stomach was “up” and that was what is causing my chest pains. When she was talking about it, it sounded really familiar. Then I remembered where I had heard it before: at the psychic’s that I had gone to see about a year and a half ago. So that’s crazy. I had totally forgotten about it cuz at the time it was really not relevant.

She also went through a list of foods of stuff I should avoid right now as my digestion is out of whack (according to her I am only absorbing 20% of the nutrients I am eating).

Best: apples, lemons, red fruits and veggies (I.E. red peppers, carrots, raspberries), garlic and onions. Also bananas, oranges, spinach and potatoes for potassium.
Avoid: milk products (cheese, milk, cream), sugar, aspartame, pasta, wheat, coffee.

I’ve never been good at avoiding foods (hence why I’m a horrible dieter) so I’m not sure how that part will go. She also said that my electrolytes and/or sodium was low so to take some sea salt everyday (like 1/8 tsp) and to drink a Gatorade a day for three days.
I'm scheduled to see her again in about a month to check back and see how the treatments helped. She said she starts from scratch again the next time so she doesn't keep a list of what happened in this appointment.
Hmm...hope I didn't miss anything...if I did I'll just post a comment.
What do you all think about this?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Hey....I found this all very fascinating! Especially the part about the psychic being right about your stomach issues. Who would've thought? Anyways, it's good that you finally talked to someone who at least had some answers for you. You'll have to keep us updated on how these supplements work for ya. Good luck! :)
