Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Lights Are On But Nobody's Home

So on Tuesday night I needed to take my grandma to the Red Deer Regional Airport to catch a flight. First of all I had a hair cut booked for 5pm. Unfortunately my hairdresser was running late and I couldn't get in until 5:30pm. I did the math count down:

Flight Time - 7:10pm
Suggested arrival 45 minutes prior - 6:25pm
Time to get to Airport (had no idea but thought I'd better give myself at least 1/2 as it was somewhere south of Red Deer) - 6:00pm
Time to Pack the Car (5 min) - 5:55pm
Time to drive from Hair Stylist's to my House (10 min) - 5:45pm
Time Left to get a hair cut & pay: Less than 15 minutes...

So I rescheduled sadly since my stylist is gone to Florida for a week I can't get in until March 5th.

So I zipped back to my house to pick up my Grams and we made it to the Airport by 6:15pm (turns out it's a fairly short drive). Get to what is suppose to be the terminal (I think it's like 800 square feet) and no one is there. NO ONE. No security, janitor or homeless guy let alone airport worker. So I called the 1-800 number for the airline in a panic that I some how missed the "real" airport. They assured me that I was probably at the right one and to call again in 20 minutes if there was still no one was there.

About 6:50pm I called Peace Air (the airline) again and told them no one was there and to make sure that if we were somehow at the wrong place that they'd wait for my grandma. They tried calling the counter lady and were unable to get ahold of her but left a message. Reassuring [read with sarcasm]. It's now 7:05pm. I go outside to check on all these vehicles that keep driving past us to somewhere else. It's a parking lot labelled "staff" so no secret airport there. A girl is walking across the parking lot towards me. She asks if I am flying out that night. Told her my grandma was. She's like "oh I didn't know I had any passengers tonight". Good for you. So she opens her area and my grandma checks her bags and gets a slip of paper written on in pencil as a boarding pass (their technology amazes me). The girl says the plane will arrive "soon". We are relieved to at least have another soul in the airport.

Then we go back to where we were sitting (by the pamphlets) and wait. And wait. And wait. About 8 o'clockish a plane lands on the run way, but it has the wrong airline name on it "infinit air". Turns out this is still the plane my grandma will get on. This is a full hour after the plane was suppose to arrive and a full two hours from when we arrived. We said goodbye (sadly) and she left. The kicker is that I totally would have had time for my haircut if I had the right information.

SIDEBAR: If you're reading this Grams it's not your fault I missed my don't say sorry or feel bad.

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