Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Another Piece of the Puzzle: Our Bassinette!

We are going to borrow Scott & Shelley's bassinette instead of buying our own. Check it out, it's blue even!

We could have borrowed Kim & Tyrone's but I am against that as 1) I don't want their karmic energy, 2) it's a headache to borrow from those people & 3) I just don't want their hand-me-downs. Shelley & Scott are expecting another bundle of joy in about January (yep that's Official News Now!) so they'll want it back by then, but I should definitely have no problem getting it back to them by then.
Originally, I was going to look at buying a playpen/bassinette combo (playards) but I incorrectly thought the "change table" part was the bassinette whereas it's actually just the playpen but at a higher level. I didn't really like that idea as much, and analyzing the space I have in my bedroom (especially on my side of the bed which is the most logical place to put baby) this style of bassinette makes more sense. Shelley had offered a while back to lend me the bassinette so I heartily accepted. I've also heard of babies not always liking their bassinette's so it makes even less sense to spend the money on one when I can borrow.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:58 PM

    :) It's super cute! i love it

