Monday, July 06, 2009

My Ultrasound and deciding that my baby will be a Virgo

I had my much awaited Ultrasound on Friday. It went much better than my last one in the way that the tech was much more friendly and was able to tell me baby’s gender. Though the information relating to the medical reason I was there, the placenta previa, will have to come through my doctor in about 3 business days. Before I forget, I do have some medical updates that I’ve yet to blog on…

I passed my Gestational Diabetes screening which means I’m in the clear. I was a wee bit worried as I am overweight & do partake in lots of sweets, but am VERY happy to hear that it is not affecting baby!

My doctor, Dr. Phillpot, is officially part of a clinic now. I had originally transferred to seeing Dr. Phillpot for my pregnancy as my previous doctor, Dr. Radomsky, no longer performs deliveries, which is becoming a very common problem. For this reason, Dr. Phillpot and I think 6 other doctors, have gotten together to form a “clinic”. Essentially to me, this means that I don’t have one doctor so much as I’ll now see a group of doctors. Each doctor will have a slot of time that they dedicate to baby deliveries so that it doesn’t interview with their regular appointments. So when you go in to deliver your baby, whoever is schedule to work is who will deliver you. I am 29 weeks now and have only seen Dr. Phillpot, so for the remaining prenatal appointments I will be scheduling in with the other doctors in the group/clinic so that I have a chance to meet as many of them as possible. From the way Dr. Phillpot was talking, she is not scheduled for deliveries anywhere near my due date so its very unlikely she’ll be doing my delivery. However, when she listed the other doctors in her clinic, they are all names I am familiar with that are known to be good doctors so I’m not overly worried. It seems so often that people don’t have their actual doctor around when they deliver anyway that this makes as much sense as anything else. I’m looking forward to meeting the other doctors and I’m sure I’ll be posting my reviews of them as I meet them LOL

As for the placenta previa, if the placenta is still in a position of concern, then I am meeting with Dr. Marais on July 21. I have never met with or heard of Dr. Marais, but he (?) is an actual OB-GYN meaning he specializes in pregnancies and deliveries rather than Dr. Phillpot and her clinic which are all GPs (General Practioners). Dr. Marais will then do his own assessment of my ultrasound and determine my options, such as if I’ll be having a pre-planned caesarean. So if that’s the case, I may be only meeting with Dr. Marais in the future. However, if the placenta has moved as the uterus has grown and is no longer blocking the cervix, then I will continue as normal with the Dr. Phillpot clinic. Stay tuned for updates on that.

Possibly related to the placenta previa: early this morning, at about 4am, I turned to my side in bed and felt a terrible sensation in my uterus. It was kind of like a cramp but very intense…it lasted about 10 seconds and then went away but it really concerned me. I haven’t noticed anything since but it definitely has me worried. Often women will experience bleeding when they have placenta previa and if that happens they are suppose to take it easy, avoiding things that are more strenuous such as vacuuming etc. I’ve been lucky so far to have had no symptoms and am only aware of it because of the ultrasound so have gone about my life in a normal fashion. Hopefully it was just a random pain and won’t have any consequences! I’ve been watching this morning and haven’t noticed any bleeding so that is positive. If I get the pain again I’ll definitely call my doctor…

Now for the fun stuff…the tech who did my ultrasound was younger, probably still older than me, but definitely more youthful and with a better bedside manner than the previous tech I had in April. After I laid on the bed & determined that she would be doing the scan, I said “I was told that if we are interested in finding out gender, we should let you know at the beginning, and we are VERY interested in knowing if you can tell. Oh & that I have someone waiting for me in the waiting room.” So she said no problem and then did the exam for about maybe 4 minutes. Then she let me go to the bathroom which is such an amazingly simple pleasure that you take for granted before being pregnant LOL

When I came back she continued the exam, which seemed to involve measurements and anatomy again. I jokingly told her that my husband is known for having a large head & if she could tell me if my baby’s head was normal sized or not. She smiled and said she’d let me know at the end of the measurements. I also asked if she’d be able to tell me about my placenta previa that day & she said no because the doctor would want to do a comparison from last time before giving me any info. After a bit, she asked me if I had someone waiting for me, which I said yes. She asked if I wanted to wait until he was in the room before I found out gender, so I said “it doesn’t matter”. So she moved the screen so I could see & said “from this I’d say about 70% boy”. I couldn’t really make out anything on the screen, so she moved the probe some more and then said “oh see here it is” and moved the cursor along my boy’s part. I didn’t experience an instantaneous bond like I thought I might, but it was very relieving to have any idea of gender. Then she did more of the exam. After a while, she said I could wipe off the gel and that she was going to see the doctor while I could go get Tyler. So I went to grab him and on the walk back said “she told me what we’re having!” but then I told him I’d wait to see if the tech showed him instead of just blurting it out. While we were waiting Tyler noticed that there were pictures printed off but they didn’t show gender and really they didn’t show much! I seem to have terrible luck with getting a decent ultrasound picture.

The tech came back and put gel on my belly for a third time and motioned for Tyler to stand by the bed. She tried to show us pictures of the profile, feet, spine, etc but we couldn’t make out much. I’m not sure if it was an older machine or what, but it was very blurry and difficult to make out. She then switched wands and tried to do a 3D scan of the profile which was fun but apparently the placenta was in the way so she couldn’t really get a decent one. We didn’t ask, which maybe we should have, but she didn’t show Tyler or say anything about gender. So as we were about to leave the room I said “So you figure out 70% for the gender? Cuz I didn’t tell him yet.” And she responded with “Well it was pretty obvious.” Which I heard, and then I didn’t hear this but Tyler said she then said “More like 100%.” Thus, why I feel confident telling people it’s a boy with certainty!

It felt a little anti-climatic on Friday finally knowing boy or girl as I’ve been waiting for sooo long it seems. I think I was in a shock for a bit and it took a while to sink it. It didn’t help that Vanessa was up this week and she very strongly didn’t want to know if it was a boy or girl so we were still trying to say it & baby versus gender pronouns. Eventually, when she was going to leave on Sunday, I pointed out that she was probably going to find out since it’ll end up on facebook and everyone else will know & someone will mention it without realizing she doesn’t want to know. Not to mention that anytime I was even near a color specific item she’s say “oh obviously it’s a boy” etc. I know I didn’t slip up in her presence but she seemed set on telling me it was a boy, which was really annoying me. If you don’t want to know, quit focusing on it! So anyhoo, I said “Would you rather find out from me now or find out randomly over the next 2 -3 months?” She opted to hear it from me right as she left.

I’ve decided that I am having a Virgo baby, which means he’ll be born between August 23 and September 22. I have two reasons for thinking I’m having a Virgo, 1) I am a Libra and it can get ugly when I relate to other Libras & 2) I’d prefer to have baby in the first half of September as I know SO many people with birthdays after the 15th and I want my baby to have his own birthday. I am not 100% familiar with the common qualities of Virgos, so I decided to google it.

Here are common Virgo qualities/traits:
-Modest and shy
-Meticulous and reliable
-Practical and diligent
-Intelligent and analytical
-Fussy and a worrier
-Overcritical and harsh
-Perfectionist and conservative

Definitely sounds like a combination of Tyler & I, lol.

Just in case I am wrong, here are the Libra qualities/traits per the same site:
-Diplomatic and urbane
-Romantic and charming
-Easygoing and sociable
-Idealistic and peaceable
-Indecisive and changeable
-Gullible and easily influenced
-Flirtatious and self-indulgent

I think that’s a pretty accurate description of me, especially the self-indulgent ha ha.

This turned out to be pretty lengthy, so I will write a different blog about my last week of baby preparations, announcing gender to people, etc. I'm also at my temp job so don't have my u/s pics to post here (though i think most of you have access to facebook).


  1. Danielle12:14 PM

    Your ultrasound techs in Red Deer are annoying! I'm glad she told you that you are having a boy, but I'm irritated that she wouldn't comment on your previa. When I had my follow up ultrasound to check on my previa, the tech told me that my placenta was 3 cm away from my cervix. She said it was up to the doctor to decide on the next course of action, but that it was unlikely I would require a c-section because of previa. Sure enough, my doctors agreed.

    As for the pain you experienced this morning, I wouldn't worry too much. I had all sorts of random pains with both of my kids. Everything turned out well.

  2. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I believe I had Alexis two weeks early because there was no way I was going to be able to deal with three scorpio's, two is plenty.


  3. Something occurred to me last night, maybe my ultrasound pics are worse because I have more fatty tissue in the way? I wonder if that is a factor in the quality?? Anyone know?

    Glad to know I am not the only one thinking about astrology ha ha

  4. Anonymous10:23 AM

    I know when I was pregnant with Brayden I was not as heavy as when I was with Alexis, and now when I think of it my ultrasound pictures of Brayden are quite a bit clearer than the ones of Alexis. So yes that could play a factor. Also when I was having ultrasounds with Alexis she was pushing harder on my abdomen trying to get a clear picture then I remember with Brayden.
