Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Megan's Mural Painting (so far)

Well after two pretty full days of brainstorming, sketching, painting, then re-brainstorming & painting...the mural is coming along! It's taken on a slightly different idea then when we started. Originally there was going to be silhouettes of a hippo on a branch over the crib, some monkeys in the corner over our glider and then maybe another animal in the room in another place. To make it more cohesive, Megan & I decided to do a tree in the center with branches going left to the monkey & right to the hippo. After Monday's work, the "abstract" tree didn't suit Tyler's tastes so Megan added some vines & leaves to it to make it more realistic/alive looking today. The vines are beautiful, but time consuming so Megan is coming back Thursday sometime to finish the vines (as it's 10pm now & she's exhausted). I actually decided I could handle a little bit of participation and painted the hippo & the chimp AFTER Megan sketched them. The finished product won't be available until Friday to photograph with everything else in place so I'll appease you with a few of the work in progress photos...
(P.S. On the weekend Tyler & I also picked out & added a zebra print border about 1/3 up the wall & a plan white ceiling fan that has already come in uber handy!)

The "abstract" original tree:

Megan adding vines & leaves:

Me painting the hippo:

Megan's boy Alex, breaking in/test driving my crib:

The monkey side:

The hippo side:


  1. Anonymous12:25 AM

    VERY COOL!! :) I LOVE IT! It turned out (is turning out as you said it's not quite complete) beautifully! It's exactly what I wanted if I were not renting a home!


  2. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Cool! I especially LOVE the monkey! :) - D.

  3. Danielle5:21 PM

    Is that a house hippo or a really large tree? Please say house hippo! I've always wanted one. (Did you ever see the Concerned Childrens' Advertisers house hippo commercial? Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?) Seriously though, it looks awesome! It's absolutely adorable! I can't wait to see it in person.

  4. Totally a "house hippo" ha ha I love/loved that commercial. Did you know there is like a group on facebook for people who like it?

  5. Danielle7:11 PM

    The funniest thing about that commercial is that for a moment, before they explained what they were advertising, I actually thought that house hippos may exist. LOL. I was ready to go out and pay an obsene amount of money for one of my own. It definitely wasn't my brightest moment, but I honestly don't think I'm alone.

  6. Christi1:01 PM

    Haha I love your house Hippo Crystal! He's soo damn cute! :) Also, I loved loved loved that commerical whenever it came on...LOL The footprints of peanut butter...lol

  7. Oh & I totally was like "i want a house hippo" and then it was all "that wasn't real". I fell for it. I think it's an effective commercial cuz SO many people did fall for it.
