Friday, July 24, 2009

Middle Name Contemplation

So far, the top two names I like for a first name end in "ER". Since they both end the same I wouldn't be able to use them as a first & middle. Thus opening the 'middle name' discussion up.
My middle name "Ghislaine" comes from my mom's mom's first name. It's french, pretty & uncommon so I've always liked it, especially sandwiched between Crystal Johnson & now Crystal Nelson both of which are fairly boring combos. Tyler's middle name is the same as his dad's middle name and he never really liked that as he felt it was kind of like 2nd hand as it was only his middle name to begin with. At first I liked the idea of 'Evan' (tyler's middle) as a middle name for our baby but as it ends in "N" and also is part of his dad's name I like it less (as I'm not the biggest fan of his dad). I also feel like our last name, Nelson, already comes from Tyler's side and if we used a middle two he'd have 2/3 names possibly.
I like a lot of people in my family, but really we have such boring names...and kind of yucky:
Hubbie: Tyler Evan
His dad: Larry Evan (goes by Willie)
My dad: David Albert Johnson
My dad's dad: Albert (middle?) Johnson
My mom's dad: Larry Ernest McKen
My brother: Cody David Johnson
Grandma's Maiden: Lagace

I have an uncle, great uncle & great grandpa whose first name is Richard so it's sort of a family name, but I didn't meet my great-grandpa & I'm not particularly close to my uncles.

Maybe I could do some sort of name combo like 'Van' from Evan & 'Bert' from Albert and make a cool 'VanBert' last name sounding name LOL like fitzgerald. I've always wanted a name like that.
Any other ideas?


  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    depending what kind of truck you get, you could name him after your truck like us! LOL *DISCLAIMER* I liked Dakota far before we owned one and that's not why we named Logan Dakota the way we did!


  2. Ooh, let's think up some truck names:

    What else is there? Ha ha

  3. Anonymous2:31 PM

    -Ford (Harrison?)
    -Chevy (chase - a way to make it "after your brother" hehe)

