Monday, July 13, 2009

Tornado Charlie's Mass Destruction on my Bathroom...

Hard to believe it was the work of one (possible two) little dogs only 9 lbs each...


  1. Anonymous11:36 PM

    WOW! He did a good job on that room!! holy


  2. Danielle12:50 PM

    OMG! Poor you! What is with your puppies? I wonder what they are going to destroy when you bring home your baby. How do you think they are going to handle the new addition? I was really worried about my dog and cat when we had Hudzyn. Neither of them had any experience with babies. Rhiley, (the dog) was a bit mopey and overly sensitive, but otherwise really good. Ghobi (the cat) was very curious, but also very gentle. I was pleasantly surprised. I hope your pets are good too!

  3. Anonymous3:05 PM

    I am wondering if Charlie (or both) are sensing baby's presence even though he hasn't made a physical arrival yet! Maybe he senses the chaos that will ensue when baby does actually arrive, and is letting you know...? I don't know; I just know that animals know more than we give them credit for sometimes! ;)
    - D.
