Monday, July 13, 2009

Tuesday Morning Randoms

Brandy's Generosity

Since I decided to have my baby shower post-baby and I want to give people as many options as possible for what they could get us (if they so choose), I have been limited my purchases for baby to what I feel we need within the first two weeks of him being around. So my plan had been, once we found out gender, to get maybe half a dozen onesies/sleepers for the 0-3 months size. The first weekend after we found out we bought two onesies that came with pants and then Tyler found a sale rack at Sears so we picked out a couple more outfits. Then we got a few hand-me-downs from Kyla and Shelley.

THEN, my friend Brandy, who had a baby boy last summer asked me if I’d be interested in some clothes she was done with. I was all like, bring ‘em on (as its very similar to shopping). Well Ms. Brandy drops off 3 garbage bags full of stuff! She told me to take what I liked and then pass the rest on to a second hand place. Well there were some really great items in there…including but not limited to a backpack diaper bag (which is exactly what I was thinking I wanted), blankets, couple bibs, and pretty much every clothing item I need for 0-3 months. I wrote it down somewhere but in that size range I got something like 20 t-shirt style onesies, 6 long sleeve style onesies, 8 sleepers, 14 t-shirts, 4 pairs of overalls…its crazy, and great! The majority of the items I kept were in that size and then I have a few items for 6 months and on. I had the haul spread out on our coffee table so I could sort it into item type and size (as I want to have 0-3 months in the dresser and the rest put aside sorted by size). Tyler looked at it all and was like “So we don’t need any clothes!” to which I responded “Actually this is only until 3 months” LOL Good times. Super thanks to Brandy for her generosity!!


I had a dental check up yesterday to see if my teeth had moved enough to get my braces off. Basically I’ve been waiting for my top & bottom jaw to move together now that my front teeth are in position. The evil dentist that is my orthodontist said that my teeth are finally ready. Now what I didn’t understand is that I had to make another appointment for August to get fit for my retainer. Why couldn’t I get it done right then & there? Probably cuz they only scheduled me for a 15 minute appointment! Plus my orthodontist is moving to BC (darn) and is only working part time now so there are even less appointments to go around. Grrr! Oh, and I was very insistent that if they were coming off that I wanted them off before baby comes. They asked my due date and I told them Sept 20 (I should have lied) so they booked my braces off day for Sept 9th. Why does everyone think that the due date means baby is coming then? It’s only an estimation people! On average, babies can arrive anywhere from 2 weeks prior to 2 weeks post with no health issues. Of course this made me curious for some statistics and I was able to find this graph. Due dates are based on a 40 week term from the date of your last period:

That graph looks split pretty even to me that you are just as likely to give birth early as late...though the "majority" (35%) do come during the 40th week, that represents only 1/3 of births. I read that this chart was made with a simple bell curve in mind so its not 100% accurate but is pretty close...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Something to add to your stats: I'm sure I read that only 3% of babies arrive on their actual due date. (Jackson is one of those rare babies!) :)
    - D.
