Thursday, July 09, 2009

Crazy Times

Last night I was bumming around facebook on my mobile when one of my new "friends" had an interesting status update. First off, my new friend is Tyler's younger cousin Jenn (almost 19 or is 19)'s boyfriend Justin. His status read "Justin is going to be a father". I was like "Whhhaaa?" People like to write crazy things for a reaction and it could have meant any number of things (like he was getting a pet, or becoming a godfather or something) I messaged Jenn right away & asked "Are you prego?" She very promptly replied with "Yes lol" and then some thing about not wanting it on her wall as she hadn't told her work yet. Her due date is Mar 8 so she is still pretty early.
I was pretty flabbergasted by the whole thing as Jenn just seems so young to me but at least she is done high school & has even been out for a year. We had just met her boyfriend during our camping weekend in Strathmore so it all seemed pretty fast and just, well crazy! She lives in Medicine Hat so I am telling you, if you want to get pregnant, drink their water!
She's a very sweet & smart girl so I think she'll be able to handle it well, even though it's not ideal. I was very positive with her saying "Congrats" and offered some of my better baby books. She thanked me for reacting positively as I guess her dad's family has not (her parents are split & her mom is Mary's youngest sister, who lives in Ontario). We've had a lot of unplanned, young pregnancies in my family and in my opinion prevention is the only cure. Having a bad attitude now that things are already done doesn't help the situation and besides, she's a cousin not my daughter so it's a lot easier to adapt.
However I must say, if I was still struggling to get pregnant, I probably wouldn't have taken it so well. Thankfully I am pregnant so I can be back to my logical self!

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