Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Concert Plans

Tomorrow night (Thursday) I get to go to the No Doubt concert with my friend Melody. I’m excited for several reasons including that I love No Doubt, I am familiar with Paramore the opening band and like some of their songs and Melody & I haven’t done an activity together in a long time much less one just the two of us. I am luckily only working 8am-12pm this week so I can leave after work tomorrow and head to Edmonton right away. Depending on time I will help her pick out some jeans, go out for supper and then head for the concert. I have to work Friday morning so I have to drive home after the concert which I am dreading. It could have been worse though as the place I am temping at next week wanted me to come in Friday afternoon to catch up on the changes they have. I have been there before so I emailed them asking if it would be possible to come in today (Wednesday) afternoon instead and explained why. Brenda, my supervisor there, said it was no problem which is awesome! Oh, as a bonus, Melody still owes me $100 for her ticket so I can put that towards my debt.

1 comment:

  1. Danielle1:56 PM

    I hope you guys have tons of fun at No Doubt. I heard they suck live, so I'm looking forward to hearing that is not true. LOL.
