Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tyler's Truck Update

The insurance adjuster came to look at Tyler’s truck already and assessed the damages at over $7,000. Tyler bought the truck for $5500 about two years ago I think so needless to say our insurance is opting to write the vehicle off. They are offering Tyler $4600 for it which seems fair with comparables we’ve checked out and the used car value books. From the $4600 we have to minus his deductible which is $250 and if we want to keep the vehicle to salvage it for parts then we minus an additional $400. I might have the original figure off because we came to a total of just under $3700 that he would get. Its mostly to our benefit to keep the truck for parts as Tyler just put $800 in tires into it not too long ago plus Robert (Mary’s boyfriend) is a mechanic so he can probably help us pull the parts out. Robert’s brother Greg (also a mechanic) has a truck very similar to Tyler’s that can use the parts at the very least. Greg hooked us up with a few items for our RV so it’d be good karma to let him pick through and take what he wants. We are waiting to “settle” our claim until Robert can look at the truck this weekend and also because we have a rental truck as part of our insurance but we’ll most likely lose that once we settle the claim! I was actually quite surprised at how fast AMA has handled everything.

Tyler’s dad wants him to get a NEW truck and offered Tyler a “interest free” loan to help him get one. Tyler said “sure interest free, but the strings are expensive” LOL I’m so glad he thought of that on his own. Considering Tyler has always paid for everything we’ve gotten from his parents it would be nice if they could offer him a gift of money. Tyrone had his first two vehicles paid for (not to mention the free hand me down of Mary’s car) and Tyler paid for his’64 Pontiac from his dad so yeah… Speaking of the Pontiac, Tyler is going to officially try selling it now as the extra cash could help him buy a better truck. I think it’s a bit sad for him to sell the car as his dad has had it since like 1966 but it needs a lot of money and work and that just can’t be a priority for us right now. It’s been sitting in our back yard for like 3 years and depreciating so for the car’s sake we need to sell it.

The major things I’d like in a truck now are for an extended cab (as we would like to take our baby camping and wouldn’t have been able to with Tyler’s ’98 Chevy), an 8 cyclinder motor I think (his Chevy had a 6 and could do the job of towing the RV but was struggling) and for it to be in good condition. Tyler has never had a new vehicle so I’d like it to be as nice as possible. He’s worried about having payments as we are just staying afloat right now but I’ll be done paying for my car in January so that is $333.58/month that will come back into our budget. I think I’d like to continue temping this fall if I can swing it somehow, but we’ll see how that goes. I’d also like to do more “Home & Gift/Everyday Style” parties this winter season as everyone does get exited about our Christmas catalogue and that can be evenings and weekends.

1 comment:

  1. Danielle2:00 PM

    Wow! I'm amazed at how quickly your claim is being handled. That's crazy. People usually find dealing with insurance companies so stressful and drawn out. I hope Tyler finds something he really likes.
