Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Morning Randoms

Random #1: So I finally heard back from Dr. Phillpot yesterday but since I was out she just left a message. She said that my placenta has moved up & out of the way of the cervix so everything is considered "normal" now. From my reading, its pretty common for it to look like a woman has Placenta Previa at her first ultrasound in the second semester and then for it to be corrected by the third trimester. I think they identify it to be preventive and then check on it later. My doctor said that technically the placenta doesn't move on it's own, its that the uterus continues to grow while the placenta stays the same so the placenta moves with the growing uterus.
This all translates to mean that I can continue seeing the doctors in Dr.Phillpot's clinic and possible have a traditional, natural birth. I'd be lying if I said I'm not a little disappointed. It sure would have been handy to have a pre-planned c-section with the dates picked out & everything. But that doesn't seem to be the journey that is meant for me! And the positive side is that everything is kosher for baby.
Random #2: At the places I temp out, I usually try to bring up the fact that I'm pregnant so that everyone is aware of it. Its really fun news to share so I have a good time doing it. This morning I am working on my own as the boss lady decided to take a personal day off. When I got into the office, under a note she left me regarding some work, was a Babies R Us flyer. I thought it was really sweet that she thought enough about me to save it and put it directly where I would see it this morning. As for temping, if all goes well, it looks like I am going to be employed for the entire month of August which sounds both exhausting but positive! The place I'll be at during the last week of August said they'd love to have me in the office as she'll be on holidays and she trusts me to hold down the fort, but if I'm not feeling well or go into labor its no big deal. So that rocks.
Random #3: My dog Charlie is acting very bizarre this past week or so, pretty much since we got home from camping. I think the first thing we noticed was our bathroom door. See while we are out during the day, our dogs go into our half bath on the main floor where they have their food & water and its just a little roomier then the kennels and despite being over 6 years old now, they still can't be trusted to have free range of the whole house. So anyway, over the last four years they have done some scratching on the door so that there is visible marks, but when I opened the door one day last week Charlie had scratched at the door so much that there were door fibers all over the floor. At first I had thought it was dog food crushed so I just vaccuumed it up but then I looked at the door and realized it's condition and figured it out. I thought it was just a weird flukey thing, so the next day I put the dogs in the bathroom again & came home to the same mess.
So when Tyler, Vanessa & I went to Calgary on Saturday we decided to put the dogs in their kennels in the half bathroom. Basically what we do is put one dog in one kennel with the door shut and then put the other dog in our other kennel without a door and push them together so they can see each other (otherwise they cry). Tyler closed the bathroom door but it didn't click secure. When we got home Dominic was roaming free around the house and Charlie was still in his kennel but the kennel was outside of the bathroom and about five feet away! The only thing we can figure it that Charlie was going mental in his kennel and the movements shuffled the kennel out the door. Very bizarre.
Tuesday I went to put Charlie in his kennel so I could go to work and Dominic followed him in. I didn't have time to worry about it as I was running late so I just let them share it. That was apparently a mistake because when I got home, a mere 4 hours later, I could smell the dog poop the moment I walked into my house. Charlie had gone to the bathroom in the kennel and then they both moved around inside it so much that they were both covered, the kennel was covered and it was even starting to come through the air vents of the kennel. Luckily it wasn't raining at the moment & was semi-warm out so I just took the whole kennel outside, dogs and all and then hosed everything and everyone off. My dogs whined the entire time as they are princesses and usually get pampered baths they still don't enjoy. So that was disgusting.
Wednesday I put Charlie in the kennel & left Dominic out. I didn't reset the kennel good enough so Charlie got out of the kennel and there was the usually destruction of the door.
Yesterday. Ugh. I was running late for work again (not sleeping well) so I just put the dogs in the bathroom and tried to block the door with the kennel. I had a lunch date and errands after my morning temping so I got home a bit late in the afternoon. When I walked into the house I heard the whinning that has become normal over the last week, I opened the bathroom door & it looked like a tornado had hit it. I took a picture because I was so flabbergasted by the mess. I'm at an office this morning so I'll have to upload it later. Here's a description:
-there was a bag of dog food about half full that I always leave in the bathroom. It was completely destroyed and the food was all over the floor.
-every item that was on my floor including 3 vases, toilet brush, plunger, magazine rack, dog food dish...were strewn all over like a tornado had hit.
-there was poop smeared on the floor.
-the walls were dirty like someone with dirty paws had been pawing at them.
-even the toilet seat was dirty with footprints.
I had only an hour to shower and get ready to go to a business evening thing that I had signed up for so I didn't have time to even touch it. Unfortunately for Tyler, he came home from work last night and beat me home so he got to deal with the mess.
One theory Tyler has is that Charlie got some virus or disease while we were camping that is making him crazy. I hadn't even considered that as I was blaming it on buying the wrong dog food this week and the storms. Hopefully Tyler can take Charlie to the vet today and have him checked out as now I'm really worried!

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