Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Baby & TruckUpdates

My current temping job is a little busier than my last one so I haven’t been able to blog from here yet. However, there is a tiny lull right now so I am plugging away.

Baby Update
Unit 25 from Red Deer Hospital finally got a hold of me today (we were playing phone tag) to do my pre-registering for when I go into labor. I think it’s a really neat thing that you can get the paperwork out of the way so that you can just go straight to the right unit when baby comes. In addition to that I finally got to register for Better Beginnings, the maternity orientation that I was interested in. Unfortunately they only run Tuesday & Thursday nights, so I booked for a Thursday (Aug 20) and hope that Tyler can make it. He is often home Thursday nights but not until about 1 ½ hours after this orientation starts so hopefully he can leave early (or already be working a local job!).

The baby has been moving, but the movements feel different, I guess because baby is a different size now, every growing. It’s just weird.

Truck Hunt Update

Although we are excited about baby, I’d say we are a little bit stressed about finances right now. Although we are getting some money from the insurance company for Tyler’s truck (about $3700), it isn’t enough to really replace it with another functional truck especially with the few upgrades we’d like to get (and we’re not even going crazy with upgrades). Tyler’s understandable nervous about taking on any kind of truck payment right now as I want him to change jobs to something local in the very near future (before baby comes) and I will be contributing even less financially to the household once baby comes (and we’ll have more expenses). I’m trying to stay positive and hope that the right opportunities come our way in the next 6 weeks! I’m also trying to think of some ways I can streamline our expenses and tighten my budget belt even more.

Tyler has decided to officially try to sell her 1964 Pontiac Parisienne Sport that is just sitting behind our house. It ran really well when he used it all the time, but he parked it about 3 years ago when he bought the truck and hasn’t moved in that time. He bought it (yep bought it) from his dad for $2500 and then put at least $2500 into it to get it road worthy and pass the inspection. Since then he put money into it fairly regularly to keep it up to speed as it was a primary vehicle for us for quite a while. It’s a good old car but it needs some love (aka time) and money. To supe it up to mint condition would take about $30,000 which we don’t have now nor will we have for quite a while so I’ve finally convinced him to sell it. It’s just such a shame to leave it to depreciate and it can’t be a priority for us for quite a long time. So far we put it on Kijiji.ca and listed it for $6,000 so if we got that for it, plus our insurance money then buying a truck wouldn’t be such a hardship.

One of the sucky things is that we can’t do any more RV camping now until we get a new truck and the hitch installed for it. I was really looking forward to go camping last week to celebrate our Anniversary (which is this Thursday, the 23rd) but the deer changed our plans for us. It costs money to camp so that’s holding us back now too depending how the truck situation works out.

Tyler’s dad offered to ‘lend’ Tyler some money to buy a truck with no interest. However, Tyler very correctly pointed out that although the interest is free, the STRINGS are expensive so that’s not really an option for us. Robert & Willie and other people keep trying to tell Tyler what he ‘has’ to buy now and he’s getting pissy about it. It’s fine to give some suggestions but ultimately we have to buy for the truck and use the truck so I think we’ll decide as a couple what we get (with Tyler getting the majority of the decision since it’ll be his primary vehicle, I’ll probably just have veto power if it’s ridiculous). All I care is that it is an extended cab (so baby can ride in it) and in good condition. It would be nice to get a V8 instead of a V6 but I guess it’s not necessary. And his last truck was a work truck before so he’d like to avoid work trucks this time.


  1. Danielle11:20 AM

    When you go truck shopping, I recommend taking your carseat/base with you. Ours would not fit in my brother in law's Dodge Dakota. He has one of the small Dakotas, with a very small backseat. I think the full sized ones would be fine, but I've never tried. Even in my mid-sized SUV, it is very awkward for Morgan to drive with Lakelyn's carseat in the middle of the backseat. He has to have the seat up and in a very upright position. I'm only 5'1", so I can put my seat in the position I want. Because Hudzyn was in her current carseat when we purchased our SUV, we didn't even think to check how well the baby seat would fit. It's not that big of deal because I'm the primary driver, but Morgan finds it very irritating. LOL.

    As for nude almost 3 year olds, I agree. It's inappropriate. I guess I may also be a bit of a prude. I don't like public nudity at any age.

  2. Christi1:17 PM

    Hahaha ohmigod! I would be totally mortified as well!! I would NEVER have my 3 yr.old child running around naked, in front of strangers. You know, at home, where its just us, is one thing. But NEVER in front of everyone else!! OHMIGOD!!

    And I would have to agree with Danielle...Defintely take your carseat when you go truck shopping. An extended cab might be alright, but I know with my friends they have a chevy crew-cab, and there is just enough room...Still even crowded for my liking. Also, I don't know if this is an option for you, but its something that I'm looking into...But if you can get a truck with a tunneau cover, it would be good...Well I thinkso. If you ever want to take the truck, and go somewhere, and plan on taking the stroller, you can throw it in the back, and since most tonneau covers lock, you wouldn't have to worry about if your stroller is still there. My other friend and I just went to GP, and with only 1 child mind you, and she ended up having to put the stroller in the backseat, and made it sure difficult to get the baby in and out, and not only that, it took up half the seat, and we had such little room for our goodies we bought at the mall...Anyways, I wish you guys luck on truck shopping!! :)
