Tuesday, July 07, 2009


I couldn't quite get to sleep last night (blame it on the 2 cups of coffee & can of pepsi I indulged in that I shouldn't have), so I wandered into baby's room. I am loving it more & more each time I see it. I think the turquoise/blue is deepening a bit and I really like it now.

I could have gotten a matching change pad cover to go with our bedding set but since it cost $35/each and we'll want more than one Tyler convinced me its a bad idea (aka veto'd). It wasn't something I felt worth fighting for so while we were shopping around on Sunday I looked for change pad covers too. Sears had some really cool ones that were only $7 each and I picked out a pattern that used colors that are similar to the bedding and bought two for now. I put one of them on when I got home and it matches even better than I had thought so I'm really pumped about that. I pulled out the blanket from my bedding set & draped it over a tall shelf in the room to see how it went...I love it! Its turning out so good :-)
My friend June is going to make a slipcover for our glider but I have no idea what direction I am going to go in terms of fabric. My inital instinct was to do it in chocolate brown, but then I want to possibly do something funky like an animal print (maybe on the ottoman only). I'll just have to wait & see what's out there before making any final decisions...and fabric price will be a factor as always. June & I were going to go shopping for fabric yesterday but it didn't work out with her schedule as she's camping & has 3 kids. I'm not in a hurry so I don't mind. In fact, waiting until the crib is set up with the bedding first might help me decide fabric better.
Baby is moving & kicking like crazy which I love. On the weekend both Tyler & Vanessa were able to actually see the movements through my stomach (at different times) and Tyler felt some big movements too. Probably more this week/weekend then up to this point combined.
I am temping all this week & next at "Red Deer River Watershed Alliance" from 8-12 only which is great for me but not great for my wallet. Then the afternoon of the 17th & the week after I am temping at "Parkland Maintenance" again from 8:00am - 4:30pm which will take a little more adjusting. Friday the 17th could be rough as I am going to the 'No Doubt' concert in Edmonton the night before and then driving home. I was looking forward to only doing the morning after but found out PM wants me there for the afternoon. Its possible that I'll be able to leave early that day though as its most likely just to get updated on database changes before the lady leaves for her holidays...fingers crossed!

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