Monday, July 13, 2009

Circumcision Decision

Now that I know we’re having a boy, I can discuss this dilemma as it actually pertains to us right now. This will be one of my less researched “dilemma’s” as I’ve pretty much already made up my mind ha ha

There was a period of time when baby boy parts went untouched, then there was a period of time when the majority were circumcised. Now, there seems to be mixed medical opinions on whether it is in the best interest of the boy to do it or not, so much so that the circumcising surgery is available to the public but its considered optional so you have to pay out of pocket (in Canada at least). Statistically I think it’s still accurate to say that its about 50/50 for newborns now to have it done or not.

First of all, I think the majority of the decision should get weight from the father of baby (if he’s involved in baby’s life) as he would have personal experience that the mother just doesn’t have access to. Of course every decision should be a joint decision made by both parents having say. Both Tyler & I are pro-circumcising and here are some of the whys…

Tyler is circumcised and hasn’t suffered any consequences. I think its simpler for baby to look like daddy as much as possible.

I personally find it more visually appealing to be ‘cut’.

One of the arguments against it suggests that men have LESS sensitivity if they have been cut and really ladies are we worried about men having less sexual sensitivity?

Some are concerned about possible infections, etc that can result from the surgery. However, if you are in a proper medical facility with trained medical professionals, those instances are rare (bearing in mind that I have read “Born a Boy, Raised a Girl” and know of an EXTREME consequence).

I have heard 2nd hand accounts (so not a “friend of a friend of mine” per say, a little more accurate) of kids having problems with hygiene when they are uncut and then getting court ordered circumcising by Child & Family Services at the age of like 12. I think the experience would be much more traumatic at that age then newborn so I’d like to be preventive.

Some say that boys are born with it for a reason so it should stay…however I argue with that – tonsils, appendix, wisdom teeth. We have a few “spare” body parts that don’t seem to serve a purpose anymore in the lives we lead now and actually seem to cause problems.

Um, I think that’s all I got on this topic? Ladies...the floor is now yours :-)

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